Raw vegan superfood icecream. Inghetata superaliment raw vegana
As I said in the last post, it's time for raw vegan ice cream recipes to flow. So here you have it, a creamy superfood ice cream. One that I had a tremendous curiosity to try :)
- 200 ml ful fat coconut milk
- 1/4 cup honey (maple syrup)
- 1 handful cashews
- 2 TBSP coconut flour
- 1 tsp spirulina powder
Add all the ingredients in your food processor and mix until it's creamy.
* The quantity can vary, depending on your taste and depending on the desired colour of your icecream.
Transfer the mixture to a bowl.
Cover it and place it in the freezer for at least 3-4 hours.
Before serving let the mixture thaw for 20 minutes.
Precum spuneam in articolul anterior, este vremea retetelor raw vegane sa curga. Iata, asadar, o inghetata superaliment foarte cremoasa. Una care am avut o curiozitate imensa de-a o incerca :)
- 200 ml lapte de cocos integral
- 1/4 cana miere (sirop de artar)
- 1 mana de caju
- 2 linguri faina de cocos
- 1 lingurita pudra de spirulina
Adauga toate ingredientele in blender si mixeaza pana devine o pasta cremoasa.
* Cantitatea poate difera, in functie de gust si de culoarea dorita.
Transfera compozitia intr-un bol/cutie.
Acopera-l si pune-l la congelator pentru aproximativ 3-4 ore.
Inainte de servire lasa compozitia la dezghetat pentru 20 de minute.
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