The easiest, most delicious and most healthy chocolate - a little changed - "Guest post"

May 25, 2015 Sam 0 Comments

The reason of today's post is quite big and it is divided into two. First, because having sweet, genuine people in my life is so marvelous... . Seeing them change (in terms of nutrition) makes me feel more than happy and grateful. All of this is a wonderful bliss - in honor of this change, I post my friend's recipe and photos (I got the copyright) :)
And secondly, the vast number of views on this delicious chocolate recipe, makes the perfect fit for an celebration.


- 1 cup cacao
- 1/3 melted coconut oil
- 1 TBSP honey

- peanut butter


Add all the ingredients, except the peanut butter, in a bowl and whisk.
Pour the mixture in your desired forms up to half.
Add 1 teaspoon peanut butter in every form.
Pour above the remaining mixture.
Put the forms in the fridge for at least 1 hour.


Motivul articolului de astazi e destul de mare si e impartit in doua. In primul rand, pentru ca avand oameni dulci si autentici in viata mea este atat de minunat... . Vazandu-le schimbarea (in ceea ce priveste alimentatia) ma face sa ma simt mai mult decat fericita si recunoscatoare. Toate acestea sunt o reala beatitudine - in onoarea acestei schimbari postez reteta si pozele prietenei mele (am primit drepturile de autor) :)
In al doilea rand, numarul mare de vizualizari ale acestei delicioase ciocolati, reuseste o potrivire perfecta pentru o celebrare.


- 1 cana cacao
- 1/3 cana ulei de cocos topit
- 1 lingura miere

- unt de arahide


Adauga toate ingredientele, cu exceptia untului de arahide, intr-un bol. Si cu un tel amesteca bine.
Toarna compozitia in formele dorite pana la jumatate.
Adauga 1 lingurita de unt de arahide in fiecare forma.
Toarna deasupra compozitia ramasa.
Pune formele in frigider pentru cel putin o ora.

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