Coming back: new things, new recipe, blogiversary. Reintoarcere: lucruri noi, reteta noua, aniversare
Hello there. It's been awhile since I last wrote a post. During this break I did a lot of things... Maybe some of you know or heard about FOOD MATTERS. Well, they changed my life. Thanks to them now I am a nutritionist and dietitian. And one of the things I did lately, was to write for them. It was really a big accomplishment for me.
It made me wonder... Contemplate... Gaze... It made me even more contented for life. Cause sometimes life really surprises you, by giving you more than you can expect or even imagine. I never thought when I first saw Food matters documentary that someday I will write for them. So I took this fact as a special "thank you".
Here you can find the article >> Food does matter my happy motivational story
Moving on :) The next thing I did and I am so happy about it, was to re-design my blog; new face, new logo (an origami dove). Hopefully you enjoyed the change. And last but not least, I focused on Rawsome sweets. Designing the catalog, recently the website. I actually love web design: create logos, web pages and stuff like that.
Below I posted the catalog pictures and right side, on my home page, you can find a button with Rawsome's logo that sends you to the website. Oh, I forgot to mention that this sweets are made by my friend and I :)
Today is a special day. That's why precisely in this day I chose to write the return-post. Today Wellness by sam celebrates three years. And the best way to celebrate is by making a raw cake, as usual: healthy and nourishing - no baking, no sugar, no flour.
Before I show you the recipe, let me express gratitude to the followers; to those who are still here despite the passage of time. THANK YOU!
First layer, the base:
- 1 cup raw sunflower seeds
- 1/2 cup coconut oil
- 4 TBSP raw cacao
- 2 TBSP honey
Second layer:
- 1 cup raw sesame seeds flour (or grinded sesame seeds)
- 1/3 cup coconut oil
- 2 TBSP honey
Third layer, the top:
- 100 g raw coconut cream
- 100 ml water
For garnish:
- 2 TBSP raw cacao
- 2 TBSP coconut oil
- coconut flakes
* Melt the coconut oil before you use it.
1. Add all the ingredients from the first layer in a food processor and mix until it's well combined.
2. Press the mixture on a cake form pan. Set aside in the fridge or freezer.
3. Add all the ingredients from the second layer in a bowl and mix with a tablespoon until it's well combined.
4. Take the form pan from the fridge and press the second mixture. Set aside in the fridge or freezer.
5. Add the coconut cream (the coconut cream must be at room temperature) in a bowl and while you mix with a tablespoon, add water.
6. Take the form pan from the fridge and pour the coconut cream. Again, set aside in the fridge or freezer.
7. For garnish, add in a bowl the melted coconut oil, the cacao and mix.
8. Pour above the cake the liquid cacao. Sprinkle some coconut flakes. Put the cake in the fridge.
Buna. A trecut ceva timp de cand am scris un articol. In timpul acestei pauze am facut multe lucruri... Poate unii dintre voi stiu sau au auzit de FOOD MATTERS. Ei bine, ei mi-au schimbat viata. Datorita lor acum sunt nutritionist-dietetician. Si unul din lucrurile pe care le-am facut in ultima vreme a fost sa scriu pentru ei. A fost o mare realizare pentru mine.
M-a facut sa simt admiratie... Sa contemplu... M-a facut mai multumita de viata. Caci, uneori chiar te poate surprinde, oferindu-ti mai mult decat te-ai putea astepta sau ti-ai putea imagina. Nu am crezut niciodata atunci cand am vizualizat documentarul Food matters ca intr-o zi voi scrie pentru ei. Asa ca am luat acest fapt ca un special "multumesc".
Aici puteti gasi articolul >> Food does matter my happy motivational story
Mergand mai departe, urmatorul lucru pe care l-am facut si sunt tare incantata, a fost sa reinnoiesc design-ul blog-ului meu: o noua fata, un nou logo (porumbelul de origami). Sper ca v-a placut schimbarea.
Si nu in ultimul rand, m-am concentrat pe Rawsome sweets. Pe proiectarea catalogului si recent a site-ului sau. Imi place web design-ul: crearea de logo-uri, de pagini web si lucruri din acestea.
Anterior am postat pozele catalogului si in partea dreapta a paginii de home a blog-ului meu ve-ti gasi un buton cu logo-ul Rawsome care va trimite catre site. Ah, am uitat sa mentionez ca aceste deserturi sunt realizate de catre mine si prietena mea :)
Astazi este o zi speciala. De aceea am ales ca in aceasta zi sa redactez articolul de intoarcere. Astazi Wellness by sam implineste trei ani. Si cea mai buna modalitate de celebrare e prin realizarea unui tort; ca de obicei: sanatos si nutritiv - fara zahar sau faina.
Inainte de a publica reteta permite-ti-mi sa exprim recunostinta fata de voi, fata de cititori; in mod special acelora care sunt inca aici in ciuda trecerii timpului. MULTUMESC!
Primul strat, baza:
- 1 cana seminte de floarea-soarelui crude
- 1/2 cana ulei de cocos
- 4 linguri cacao cruda
- 2 linguri miere
Al adoilea strat:
- 1 cana faina de susan cruda (sau seminte de susan rasnite)
- 1/3 cana ulei de cocos
- 2 linguri miere
Al treilea strat, partea superioara:
- 100 g crema de cocos cruda
- 100 ml apa
Pentru ornat:
- 2 linguri cacao cruda
- 2 linguri ulei de cocos
- fulgi de cocos
* Topiti uleiul de cocos inainte de-al folosi.
1. Adaugati toate ingredientele pentru primul strat in robotul de bucatarie si mixati pana se combina bine totul.
2. Presati amestecul intr-o forma de tort inel. Puneti deoparte in frigider sau congelator.
3. Adaugati toate ingredientele pentru al doilea strat intr-un bol si cu o lingura amestecati pana se combina bine totul.
4. Luati tortul din frigider si presati al doilea amestec deasupra. Puneti deoparte in frigider sau congelator.
5. Adaugati crema de cocos (trebuie sa fie la temperatura camerei) intr-un bol si in timp ce amestecati cu o lingura, adaugati apa.
6. Luati forma de tort din frigider si turnati crema de cocos deasupra. Din nou, puneti deoparte in frigider.
7. Pentru ornat, adaugati intr-un bol uleiul de cocos topit, cacaoa si amestecati.
8. Turnati deasupra tortului cacaoa lichida. Presarati fulgii de cocos. Puneti la frigider.
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