Tasteful antioxidant and anti cancer salad. O salata delicioasa cu proprietati antioxidante si anticancer
What we have here? Another rich salad or should I call it a pasty salad. It looks like the pate. It's even richier than the other one. You'll see. And the taste... even greater. So without further or do, let's scan this treasure :)
- 1/2 small raw sweet potato
- 1 small raw carrot
- 1 small raw beet
- 2 TBSP water
- 1 TBSP grape skin powder
- 1 TBSP raisins
- 1 TBSP coconut yogurt
Peel and cut the potato, carrot and beet. Put them in a food processor, add the water and the coconut yogurt and mix until it's well combined.
Place the mixture into a bowl, add the raisins and the grape skin powder and mix again. Enjoy :)
Benefits you earn from this salad:
- Vitamin A
- Carotens
- Resveratrol
- Fiber
- Potassium
- Vitamin B9
- Iron
- Vitamin C
- Probiotics
The result? Antioxidant and anti cancer properties.
Ce avem noi aici? O alta salata bogata, de fapt, ar trebui sa o numesc "salata pastoasa". Arata ca un pateu. Este chiar mai bogata decat precedenta. Vei vedea. Iar gustul... chiar mai puternic. Deci, fara prea multe detalii, hai sa exploram comoara :)
- 1/2 cartof dulce mic crud
- 1 morcov mic crud
- 1 sfecla mica cruda
- 2 linguri apa
- 1 lingura pulbere din coaja de struguri
- 1 lingura stafide
- 1 lingura iaurt de cocos
Inlaturati coaja; taiati cartoful dulce, morcovul si sfecla in bucati. Adaugati-le in robotul de bucatarie impreuna cu cele doua linguri de apa si 1 lingura de iaurt de cocos. Si mixati pana totul se combina.
Asezati compozitia intr-un bol. Adaugati stafidele si lingura de pulbere din coaja de struguri si amestecati.
Beneficiile castigate in urma acestei salate:
- Vitamina A
- Caroteni
- Resveratrol
- Fibre
- Potasiu
- Vitamina B9
- Fier
- Vitamina C
- Probiotice
Rezultatul? Proprietati antioxidante si anticanceroase.
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