Richie rich salad. Cea mai bogata salata

March 25, 2015 Sam 0 Comments

Whenever I find/discover/taste something really good and, of course, nourishing, I rush here, in my sharable place :) So there you have it: a fresh, energetic, wholesome salad. Oh, and because my movement was rapid, I didn't had the chance to take a better (professional) photo, sorry about that.

What your body will acquire?

* probiotics (from the coconut yogurt)
* vitamin A (from the carrots)
* calcium (from sesame seeds and raisins)
* healthy fats (from coconut yogurt and sesame seeds)
* iron (from raisins)

- 3 small raw carrots
- 1/4 raw celery
- 1 TBSP crumbly sesame seeds
- 1 TBSP coconut yogurt (homemade)
- 1 TBSP raisins

Peel the carrots. Cut in Julienne strips.
Peel the celery. Cut in Julienne strips.
Grind the sesame seeds until they form a crumbly paste.
Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix.


Ori de cate ori gasesc/descopar/gust ceva cu adevarat bun si, desigur, hranitor, ma grabesc aici, in locul meu de impartit :) Iata, deci, o salata proaspata, energizanta si sanatoasa. Ah, si pentru ca miscarea mea a fost rapida, nu am avut ocazia sa realizez o poza mai buna; imi pare rau pentru asta.

Ce va dobandi corpul tau in urma acestei salate?

* probiotice (din iaurtul de cocos)
* vitamina A (din morcovi)
* calciu (din seminte de susan si stafide)
* grasimi sanatoase (din iaurtul de cocos si din seminte de susan)
* fier (din stafide)

- 3 morcovi mici cruzi
- 1/4 telina cruda
- 1 lingura seminte de susan rasnite
- 1 lingura iaurt de cocos (facut in casa)
- 1 lingura stafide

Curatati morcovii. Taiati felii Julienne.
Curatati telina. Taiati felii Julienne.
Rasniti semintele de susan.
Asezati toate ingredientele intr-un bol si amestecati.

Pofta buna la sanatate.

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