Valentine's Day

February 17, 2015 Sam 0 Comments

I posted this heart shaped dessert on an average day.
Why? - Due to marketing. To much marketing on 14 Feb.
What you mean? - You do not notice, all the roses, chocolates and restaurant reservations?
It's natural. - It is? Think twice. Natural is to have this all along. Not just now.

Natural is to love everyday:
- yourself;
- your partner;
- your family;
- your friends;
- your pets.
Natural is to love life. Because life means love.

Buy roses; buy chocolates; go to restaurant, as often as you can. Make it special each and every day.

To honor everyday love I've made this delicious, easy, wholesome, heartshaped dessert.

- 1/2 cup shredded coconut
- 1 TBSP honey
- 1 TBSP melted coconut oil
- 1 cup frozen berries
- 1/2 cup water

Mix all the ingredients, except frozen berries, in a bowl.
Press the mixture in a heart shaped.
Add the frozen berries and water in your food processor and pulse.
Pour the red watery over the mixture.
Place in the freezer for 1 hour.

* Consume at room temperature.

Am postat acest desert in forma de inima intr-o zi obisnuita.
De ce? - Din cauza marketing-ului. Prea mult marketing in data de 14 Feb.
Ce vrei sa spui? - Nu ai observat, toti trandafirii, toate ciocolatile, toate rezervarile la restaurante?
E firesc. - Este? Gandeste-te mai bine. Firesc este sa ai toate acestea mereu. Nu doar acum.

Firesc e sa iubesti in fiecare zi:
- propria persoana;
- partenerul/partenera;
- familia;
- prietenii;
- animalele de companie;
Firesc este sa iubesti viata. Pentru ca viata inseamna iubire.

Cumpara trandafiri; cumpara ciocolati; mergi la restaurant, cat de des poti. Fa din fiecare moment o ocazie speciala.

In cinstea iubirii zilnice am realizat acest delicios, simplu si nutritiv desert in forma de inima.

- 1 cana cocos tocat (miezul de la nuca de cocos)
- 1 lingura miere
- 1 lingura ulei de cocos topit
- 1 cana fructe de padure congelate
- 1/2 cana apa

Amestecati intr-un castron nuca de cocos (maruntita in prealabil in tocator), mierea si uleiul de cocos (incalzit anterior >> lichefiat).
Presati amestecul in forma de inima.
Adaugati fructele de padure congelate si apa in robotul de bucatarie si mixati.
Turnati lichidul rosu deasupra amestecului de cocos.
Asezati in frigider timp de 1 ora.

* Se consuma la temperatura camerei.

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