Glorious smoothie
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Uneori haosul captureaza oamenii in tentaculele sale; toata graba care inconjoara indivizii provoaca o lipsa a atentiei spre sine. Astfel putem vedea tot mai mult oameni care nu mai consuma mancare, ci produse. Si ce sa mai spunem despre "fenomenul" a te bucura de mancare? Toata lumea se grabeste undeva (nu stiu unde). Si astfel privim oamenii cum rontaie produse (cunoscute sub numele de mancare), care secatuiesc energia, care incurajeaza oboseala si, prin urmare, deficitul de vointa si motivatie pentru a face sport, a creste si a evolua. Si nu in ultimul rand, acest tip de "mancare" instiga cresterea adipocitelor (celule adipoase) - cresterea in greutate - si cel mai important, cauzeaza variate boli - cand digestia este ingreunata si tractul digestiv este iritat, au loc inflamatii si stress in corp.
Prin urmare recomand sa incepi sa fii mai responsabil si mai conciliant cu corpul tau pentru ca acesta e casa ta; corpul tau e adapostul tau. Vrei un sanctuar plin de energie si stare de bine sau un depozit plin de gunoi?
In speranta ca am starnit o schimbare, sugerez sa incepi, desigur cu unicul meu, mic dejun glorios :) plin de nutrienti si datator de energie. Fiindca adesea in timpul zilei s-ar putea sa nu ai timp si poate rabdarea sa iti prepari ceva sau sa gatesti. de aceea eu incurajez intotdeauna acest sanatos "fast food". Datorita faptului ca in mai putin de 10 minute ai la dispozitie tot ce ai nevoie pentru a-ti stimula ziua cu atat de multa putere, incat nu iti poti imagina. Hai sa descoperim noile arome :)
INGREDIENTE imaginea 1:
- 1 mana spanac
- 1 banana mare
- 1 lingurita pudra spirulina
- 1 lingurita iarba de grau pudra
- 1 lingurita seminte de in
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 lingura seminte de chia
- 3 linguri fulgi de ovaz
- 1 mana afine
- 1 mana capsuni
Asezati toate ingredientele in blender si mixati pana devine o crema pufoasa.
Turnati crema intr-un bol si adaugati capsunile si afinele.
INGREDIENTE imaginea 2:
- 1 banana
- 1 kaki
- 1 cana dovleac placintar ras
- 1 lingurita turmeric
- 1 lingurita seminte de in
- 10 migdale
- 1 lingura seminte de chia
- 1 masura pudra proteica din soia (sau din canepa, orez etc.)
- 1 lingura polen crud
Asezati toate ingredientele in blender si mixati pana devine o crema pufoasa.
Turnati crema pufoasa intr-un bol si adaugati 1 lingura de polen crud.
INGREDIENTE imaginea 3:
- 1 banana mare sau 2 mici
- 1 mana fructe de padure congelate
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 masura proteina din soia
- 1 lingura seminte de chia
- 1 lingurita seminte de in
- 1 lingura polen crud
Asezati toate ingredientele in blender si mixati pana devine o crema pufoasa.
Turnati crema intr-un bol si adaugati 1 lingura de polen crud.
* Optional puteti adauga 1 lingura germeni de grau
English version
Sometimes chaos catch the people in his tentacles; all the rush that surrounds men causes lack of attention to self. Thus we can see more and more people that are not eating food anymore, they are eating food like products. And what to say about enjoying food? Everybody is rushing somewhere (don't know where). And thereby, mostly we see people munching around products (aka food) that drains energy away, that encourages fatigue and therefore deficit in will and motivation to do sports, to grow and develop the self. Last but not least, this kind of "foods" instigates adipocytes growth (fat cells) - weight gain - and most importantly causes various diseases - when digestion is hampered or the digestive tract is irritated occurs inflammation and stress throughout the body.
Hence I recommend to start being more responsible and more conciliatory to your body because this is your home; your body is your shelter. You want a sanctuary full of energy and wellbeing or a warehouse full of garbage?
In hopes that I sparked a change, I suggest to begin with, of course my one and only, glorious breakfast :) full of nutrients and energy-giving. Because often during the day you may not have the time and maybe the patience to prepare something, to cook. That's why I always encourage this healthy "fast food". Due to the fact that in less than 10 minutes you have all you need to boost your day with so much power, that you can't even imagine. Let's discover the new flavours :)
- 1 handful spinach
- 1 big banana
- 1 tsp spirulina powder
- 1 tsp wheatgrass powder
- 1 tsp flaxseeds
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 TBSP chia seeds
- 3 TBSP oat flakes
- 1 handful blueberries
- 1 handful strawberries
Place all the ingredients in blender and mix until creamy smooth.
Pour the cream into a bowl and add the strawberries and blueberries.
- 1 banana
- 1 kaki (persimmon)
- 1 cup grated pumpkin
- 1 tsp turmeric
- 1 tsp flaxseeds
- 10 almonds
- 1 TBSP chia seeds
- 1 scoop soy protein (or hemp, rice protein... )
- 1 TBSP bee polen
- 1 big banana or 2 small
- 1 handful frozen berries
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 scoop soy protein
- 1 TBSP chia seeds
- 1 tsp flaxseeds
- 1 TBSP bee polen
Place all the ingredients in blender and mix until creamy smooth.
Pour the cream into a bowl and add 1 TBSP of bee polen.
Enjoy :)
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