Happy holidays! Sarbatori fericite!

December 24, 2014 Sam 0 Comments

Hello everyone. It's been a while since my last post. Vacation took over his power :) Like always does, let's be sincere :) Anyway, I just passed by to say a big THANK YOU for everything and for everyone that was part of my life and certainly, to make a few festive greetings. Alongside my merry international wishes from the photos, I wish you all the best, lots of peace and love. May the holiday spirit be with you and your family today and throughout the New Year.

Buna, tuturor. A trecut ceva vreme de la ultima postare. Vacanta si-a preluat atributiile :) Precum a facut-o intotdeauna, sa fim sinceri :) Oricum, am trecut pe aici pentru a transmite un mare MULTUMESC tuturor celor care mi-au fost alaturi si desigur, sa scriu cateva urari festive. Impreuna cu urarile mele internationale din poze, va doresc numai bine, o multime de pace si iubire. Fie ca spiritul de sarbatoare sa fie cu voi si cu familiile voastre, astazi si pe tot parcursul Anului Nou.

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