Delish sunrise smoothie. Un smoothie delicios ca un rasarit de soare
Deci, micul tau dejun sau masa fericita, cum imi place mie sa-i spun, ar trebui sa contina:
* O sursa de proteina usor digerabila (pudra proteica de cânepă, pudra de spirulina, pudra proteica din orez brun... );
* Una sau doua portii de fructe (banane, fructe de padure, prune, struguri... );
* Verdeturi (spanac, kale, broccoli... );
* Nuci si seminte (seminte de in / chia / cânepă / dovleac / susan si nuci - sunt mari surse de stimulare a starii de spirit + omega 3; caju-ul dovedit a oferi efecte echivalente ca o doza terapeutica de Prozac si, desigur, regele nucilor - migdalele);
* Carbohidratii complecsi (ovăz, hrișcă, cereale integrale, germeni de grâu... );
* Alte superalimente (polen de albine, cacao cruda, aloe vera, goji... ). Mai multe afli aici.
Asadar, in cazul in care micul tau dejun arata in acest fel, atunci, vei obtine o multime de energie si, de-a lungul zilei, vei consuma mai putine calorii si alimente nesanatoase, pe cuvant :)
Si cum te poti bucura de toate aceste alimente nutritive?
Daca nu printr-un smoothie uimitor?
Iata smoothie-ul meu delicios ca un rasarit de soare :)
- 1 banana
- 1 masura de pudra de proteina de soia
- 1 mana de spanac
- 1 lingurita pudra de aloe vera
- 1 lingurita de cacao cruda (sau carob/pudra de roscove)
- 2 nuci
- 1 lingura seminte chia
- 1 lingurita seminte de in
- 4 linguri de ovăz
- 1/2 - 1 cana de apa (in functie de consistenta dorita)
- 1 pumn (mic) de struguri
- 1 lingura de polen
Puneti toate ingredientele in blender si mixati pana devine o crema pufoasa.
Turnati intr-un castron, adaugati strugurii si polenul de albine.
English version
Well, as you know, sunday is my preferred day, because of the silence and the giving peace, but most of all, because of the delight I can taste in bed - breakfast - my favorite meal and yet, the most important meal of the day. Why is that? Because if you give to your body the right kind of energy, from nutritional foods; they will stimulate and accelerate metabolism and therefore encourages calorie burning rather than storing them.
So your breakfast or your happy meal, as I like to call it, should contain:
* an easily digestible protein (hemp protein powder, spirulina powder, brown rice protein powder... );
* one or two servings of fruits (banana, berries, plums, grapes... );
* greens (spinach, kale, broccoli... );
* nuts and seeds (flax/chia/hemp/pumpkin seeds and walnuts are great sources of mood-boosting omega-3s, cashews have been shown to provide the equivalent effects as a therapeutic dose of Prozac and, of course, the king of nuts - almonds);
* complex carbs (oats, buckwheat, wholegrain cereals, wheat germ... );
* other superfoods (bee polen, raw cacao, aloe vera, goji berries... ). For more info click here.
Therefore, if your breakfast looks like this, you'll gain a lot of energy and you will consume fewer calories and unhealthy foods throughout the day. Trust me!
And how you can enjoy all this nutritious foods?
If not through an amazing smoothie?
Here it goes my delish sunrise smoothie :)
- 1 banana
- 1 scoop of soy protein powder
- 1 handful of spinach
- 1 tsp aloe vera powder
- 1 tsp raw cacao
- 2 walnuts
- 1 TBSP chia seeds
- 1 tsp flax seeds
- 4 TBSP oats
- 1/2 - 1 cup of water (depending of desired consistency)
- 1/2 - 1 cup of water (depending of desired consistency)
- 1 handful (small) of grapes
- 1 TBSP bee polen
Put all the ingredients in the blender and mix until it becomes a smooth cream.
Pour into a bowl, add the grapes and on top add the bee polen.
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