Naturally sweet cake and 2 st blogiversary. Tort natural dulce si a II-a aniversare a blog-ului

November 08, 2014 Sam 2 Comments

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Luni, in data de 3 noiembrie, tinutul wellness by sam a implinit doi ani. Doi ani frumosi... doi ani de evolutie si crestere. Ani datatori de informatie si de savoare. Intr-adevar cea din urma s-a cam sitit, insa, a facut-o cu un scop nobil - a lasat loc informatiei. Orisicum cele doua vor dansa intotdeauna impreuna, indiferent de ritmul gasit in cale.

Si, da, timpul uneori nu este cel mai bun companion in acest sens (vezi absenta mea). Dar si aceasta are o menire, iar in viitorul apropiat promit ca o vei cunoaste. Atunci, sunt convinsa ca micile lacune imi vor fi absolvite :)

Pana atunci, tot in incercarea de-a fi gratiata :) si, desigur, de a-mi reaminti placerea de a realiza un desert sanatos, te invit sa incerci si sa degusti reteta urmatoare. Te anunt ca e putin diferita de cele cu care te-am obisnuit pana acum. Adica, e semi-cruda. 

- 2 cani nuci
- 3 cartofi dulci de marime medie
- 1 lingurita ulei de cocos

1. Puneti cele doua cani de nuci la macinat. Turnati nucile macinate intr-un bol. Adaugati lingurita de ulei de cocos si amestecati. Compozitia rezultata o asezati, prin presare cu degetele, pe fundul unui inel de tort (sau in forma dorita).

2. Curatati cartofii de coaja si puneti-i la fiert pentru 10-20 de minute. Ii taiati bucatele si ii adaugati in robotul de bucatarie. Mixati pana devine un piure cremos. Lasati putin sa se raceasca si turnati crema deasupra bazei de nuci. 

* Optional puteti adauga 1 lingurita de miere in compozitia nucilor macinate.

* Toata lumea stie cat sunt de sanatoase nucile, insa, despre gingasii cartofi portocalii, cred ca prea putine persoane vorbesc sau se incumeta sa-i incerce.

Beneficii cartofi dulci:

- Indicele glicemic (IG) este cu mult inferior cartofilor albi. Cartofii dulci au IG 54 (scazut). In schimb, cartofii albi prajiti sau gatiti la cuptor au IG intre 75-85.

"Indicele glicemic (IG) este un sistem de masurare al carbohidratilor, pe o scara de la 0 la 100, in functie de efectul alimentului ingerat asupra nivelului de zahar din sange. Este un indicator care masoara viteza cu care un anumit tip de carbohidrat ajunge in sange si influenteaza nivelul de zahar.

Adoptarea unui regim alimentar bazat pe consumul alimentelor cu IG scazut este secretul mentinerii sanatatii organismului, deoarece reduce riscul de aparitie al bolilor cardiovasculare si cresterea in greutate." (Sursa)

- Sunt bogati in vitamina B6 >> sanatosi pentru inima.
- Sunt plini de betacaroteni >> vitamina A, un important antioxidant.
- Sunt bogati in vitaminele C si E >> vitamine puternic antioxidante.
- Sunt aromati (au gust dulce), deci, nu mai au nevoie de condimente.

 Va multumesc pentru ca mi-ati fost alaturi.
Daca am reusit sa deschid o mica poarta spre sanatate si energie in viata voastra
atunci bucuria mea e uriasa.

Multumesc, multumesc, multumesc :)

Monday, on November 3, the land called wellness by sam turned two years. Beautiful two years... two years of development and growth. Giver years of information and flavor. Indeed the last one was a little sparse, but with a noble purpose - she left room to information. However the two will always dance together, regardless of the pace found their way.

And yes, time sometimes is not the best companion in this regard (see my absence). But it has a purpose, and in the near future I promise you will know about it. Then, I am convinced that my small gaps will be excused :)

Until then, all in an attempt to be pardoned :) and of course to remind me the pleasure to make something sweet and healthy, I invite you to try the following recipe. You should know that it's a little different from what I've used so far. I mean, it's a semi-raw dessert.

- 2 cups walnuts
- 3 medium sweet potatoes
- 1 tsp coconut oil

1. Put the two cups of nuts to ground. Pour in a bowl. Add a teaspoon of coconut oil and mix. Place the resulting composition, by pressing your fingers, on the bottom of a cake ring (or desired shape).

2. Peel the potatoes and put them to boil for 10-20 minutes. Cut into pieces and add them in your food processor. Mix until it becomes a creamy puree. Allow to cool
slightly and pour the cream over the base (ground nuts).

* Optionally, you can add 1 teaspoon of honey in the composition of ground nuts.

* Everybody knows how healthy nuts are, however, about the tenderness of orange potatoes, I think very few people speak or dare to try them.

Benefits sweet potatoes:

- The glycemic index (GI) is lower than white potatoes. Sweet potatoes have IG 54 (low). In contrast, white potatoes, fried or cooked in the oven, have IG between 75-85.

"The glycemic index (GI) is a measurement of carbohydrates on a scale from 0-100, depending on the effect of ingested food on blood sugar levels. It is an indicator that measures the rate at which a particular type of carbohydrate reach blood sugar levels and influences.

Adopting a diet based on eating low GI foods is the secret to maintaining body health because it reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and weight gain. "(Source)

- They are rich in vitamin B6 >> healthy for the heart.

- They are full of beta-carotene >> vitamin A, an important antioxidant.

- They are rich in vitamins C and E >> powerful antioxidant vitamins.

- Are flavored naturally (sweet taste), so they do not need spices.

 Thank you because you've been here.

If I managed to open a small door to health and energy in your life

then my joy is huge.

Thank you, thank you, thank you :)


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