Raw desserts - friendship, little kids, gratefulness. Deserturi crude - prietenie, copilasi, recunostinta
In honor of my special friend I publish this great recipe. She learned to make raw desserts and began to have a healthy lifestyle so fast... I'm so proud of her. She used to hate gym and sport for that matter. She used to consume unhealthy desserts, the ordinary ones, with sugar, flour... But now? Of three months, she lost weight, she goes to the gym gladly, she makes raw desserts and start the day with superfood smoothies.
She added: "I feel much better now, full of energy."
My answer: "I'm extremely happy to see your progress. Congrats!"
She added: "I feel much better now, full of energy."
My answer: "I'm extremely happy to see your progress. Congrats!"
Here it goes her recipe
- 4 carrots grated
- 200 g dates
- 100 g walnuts
- 2 TBSP coconut oil
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- coconut cream for topping
Add all the ingredients in your food processor and mix until becomes a sticky dough.
Press the mixture into desired forms.
Put in the freezer for at least 1 hour.
Then place them in a plate and pour the coconut cream above.
In onoarea prietenei mele speciale public aceasta reteta. Ea a invatat sa realizeze deserturi crude si a inceput sa aiba un stil de viata sanatos atat de repede... Sunt foarte mandra de ea. Obisnuia sa urasca sala, de fapt, sportul in sine. Avea obiceiul sa consume deserturi nesanatoase, cele obisnuite, cu zahar, faina... Dar acum? De trei luni, a pierdut in greutate, merge la sala cu drag, realizeaza deserturi crude, isi incepe ziua cu smoothie-uri din superalimente.
A adaugat: "ma simt mult mai bine acum, plina de energie."
Raspunsul meu: "sunt extrem de fericita sa vad progresul tau. Felicitari!"
Iata reteta sa:
- 4 morcovi dati pe razatoare
- 200 g curmale
- 100 g nuci
- 2 linguri ulei de cocos
- 1 lingurita scortisoara
- crema de cocos pentru ornat
Adauga toate ingredientele in robotul de bucatarie si mixeaza pana devine un "aluat" lipicios.
Preseaza compozitia in formele dorite.
Pune formele in congelator cel putin o ora.
Apoi aseaza-le pe o farfurie si toarna deasupra crema de cocos.
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